After polishing off Marion’s last three or four beers and getting ready, it was off to Fenway for what might be called the “quintessential American sport experience.” (I called it that in the office before leaving Merrill Lynch and got laughed at for a good couple of hours. Can you tell I’m not a sports guy?) Sox vs. Yankees at Fenway Park: the classic American game being played by biggest rivalry in the City with the most loyal, committed fans (even in the face of repeated, gut wrenching last minute losses over the course of eighty seven years; see also, Curse of the Bambino).

We quickly got through security and started “tailgating” Boston style, without tailgates or any other part of the car; I understand there is really no parking to speak of around Fenway. We had a couple beers each from the vendors. The local TV station was filming fans cheering and a couple of us ran up and helped fill out their shot, led by Tom and his Phillies hat. He thought it was hilarious and got great satisfaction from getting his hat on TV. I guess it was a little funny.

We watched the game, which turned out to be excellent. We didn’t eat any peanuts or crackerjacks, but we did have some sausages and burgers. During the fifth inning, we decided to get up and have a walk around. At some time between getting food and drinks and using the bathroom we ended up wondering past this room with the two Red Sox World series trophies on display. A man in a black suit asked us if we wanted a picture and we readily agreed: they took a picture and even printed it out for us, free of charge. We’ll share a copy with you the next time we’re near a scanner.

In the ninth Sarah got a little nervous that the Yankees were going to score and come back for the win, assuring me that upsets were the norm. I pointed out that the score didn’t change at all after the sixth inning and that the developing trend suggested that no one would score. She “politely” informed me that this wasn’t how it worked with the Sox.
I caught the crowd reaction of the last out and it (along with a wave that went around four times and some other random bits that I found amusing) is included it in the video below:
I caught the crowd reaction of the last out and it (along with a wave that went around four times and some other random bits that I found amusing) is included it in the video below: