Sarah did a splendid job of summing up our long day's activities from this past Saturday. I, for one, have been to New York City about a dozen times or so, and never spent much time outside of Manhattan.
This day's activities, however, saw us venture into Brooklyn during the afternoon, and Queens in the evening. And in both places, we visited spots that I felt should be elaborated upon somewhat, based on my utterly spectacular experiences at each.

But to the victor go the spoils - and what marvelous spoils we found in Brooklyn.

If you're in town, and you've never been, this place will steal your face right off your head. And if you can manage, try to drop in on the first Saturday of the month, when admission is free in the evenings.

And ultimately, he was right. While my brain had been utterly fried by the terrible NYC traffic, there was no arguing with him that a trip to the new beer gardens in Queens was the best way we could be spending our time. So he briefly worked his powers of persuasion, and sent us all trekking toward the subway for Queens.
I get a little anxious about some bar experiences, I will admit. I've had far too many experiences in the past (primarily in Manayunk and West Chester, back near home) where the atmosphere in the place is just far too crowded, the people are too aggressive, the wait for a drink last ten minutes while you wait behind a sea of idiots in popped collars. Show me a bar filled with popped collars and I'll show you the back of my head as I walk out. Why pay for an atmosphere when it's nothing short of a terrible atmosphere?

This was our most expensive day yet, not so much because of overpriced drinks - they were reasonable - but for the fact that we just couldn't leave. It seemed like weeks we spent inside that glorious place, weeks that I only wish I could go back and revisit for but a moment.
As Sarah said, this place made us go directly to bed, and dream sweet dreams of the grown-up playground we'd discovered in Queens. I'd go back any day.