You may have noticed that our Where We're Going pages are filled with fantastic photography, much of which we're using based on Creative Commons licenses from Generally, these licenses allow people to use the work in question, provided the photographer is credited properly and the work isn't used for commercial purposes.
Concurrently, it became clear that the best way for us to share the full extent of our photographic endeavors this summer would be on Flickr, where a modestly priced pro account gives us license to upload as many photos as we want, in as high resolution as we want. By posting our photos here, we can maximize their exposure and keep our nice, clean website here from getting too cluttered with photos.

So I've done just that. I created an account for America in 100 Days over this weekend, and gave it its first two contributions. Joey, Sarah and I were joined by some fantastic people down in South Philly on Friday and Saturday, where we enjoyed two nights of The Dead at the Wachovia Spectrum. Above are some highlights you can peruse, or you can click here to check out the America in 100 Days photostream on Flickr.
These, of course, are just the beginnings of a massive collection of photography that is to accumulate over our journey this summer. And please note that all of the photos on our Flickr page are featured under Creative Commons licenses - so feel free to use any of them for your own non-commercial purposes.

We believe very strongly in the virtue of sharing, and in the importance of a global community of voices - and cameras. Think of this as our way of helping along mankind's progress.


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