Pennsylvania has been my home for all 24 years of my life. From birth at Bryn Mawr Hospital, to elementary school in East Goshen, to adolescence at the King of Prussia Mall, to college in Selinsgrove and work in Philadelphia - this is it, up until now. This may give some insight into what's motivating a move of this magnitude.
And in my time here, I've been fortunate enough to meet some of the most wonderful people in the world, who all managed to find their way to this lovely commonwealth of mine by some great stroke of fortune. This includes, of course, the closest members of my family, all of whom live within three hours of my house.
In packing up and hitting the road, I have to say goodbye to these people for at least a little while. Today was the beginning of that sad process, as I said goodbye to my job at PUNCH Media in Philadelphia. I worked here part-time for the last year, doing public relations work for an assortment of restaurants, boutiques and other businesses in and around Philly.
I worked with great people at this place. I swallowed up an immeasurable amount of knowledge, style and savvy from these people. And today brought the depressing task of thanking them for the last year, and saying goodbye for now. I've done so with two months left before we leave, with knowledge of the abundance of work and planning that will be necessary in the time before we leave.
I have a good life here. I have two good jobs (one, now), a comfortable house, a loving family and a girlfriend worth writing home for twice a day. And everyone close to me knows that despite all that, this trip is what needs to happen to me - if only to quench some small corner of my thirst for... something, something I've been looking for my whole life.
But don't worry. We won't be gone forever.