I like all of the ideas presented in the Challenge Contest, thanks to those who participated. Unfortunately, Tom would cry foul if I picked them all, so I must eliminate all but one. After looking up the cost of oysters in New Orleans, marshmallow birds, and skydiving, those suggestions are out. I would not want to challenge Tom to do anything that would be more fun than challenge, so the trapeze school is also getting nixed. We’re not designing a challenge around lifting lawn ornament(s).This leaves two hilarious finalists (in order of submittal): a “Where’s Waldo style photo at each stop” and “digging in to some rocky mountain oysters at any number of fine Denver eateries”Since both of these ideas have their merits and potential for hilarity, I am going to let the random number generator at random.org take care of the deciding.And the winner is…
Rocky Mountain Oysters at The Buckhorn Exchange!

Congratulations to Chris. If this is not the Chris I am thinking of, make sure to identify yourself and get me your address. I’m not in a subtle mood today, so let’s not mince words here: for anyone who doesn’t know, “rocky mountain oysters” means bull’s balls! Since the challenge doesn’t specify the number of “oysters” that must be eaten for successful completion, let’s put the number at three orders. This should amount to a large meal of oysters. Though this is not a challenge of extreme eating excess, I really want to give Tom time to reflect on what he is eating. Tom, once you see this post please let us all know your reply. Do you have the… ahem… oysters?
Photo courtesy roadfood.com