Adirondack Park By Sarah Lovelace

With its brilliant scenery, thousands of lakes, ponds, hiking trails and campgrounds, Adirondack Park will be a wonderful break away from the city scene that will dominate the beginning of our adventure and get us ready for some of the beautiful American scenery we will feast our eyes on over the three months on the road. 
A fun fact about the park is that it is the largest park in the contiguous United States as well as largest National Historic Landmark and the largest protected area by any U.S. state. To get a sense of the size, Wikipedia says it is comparative to Yellow Stone, Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Glacier and Great Smoky Mountains National Parks combined, or roughly the size of Vermont. There are several scenic hikes or drives we can go on, and depending on where we are in the park we maybe be far enough from civilization that we see some animals like beaver or moose.  

Here are a few resources we'll be using to find our way around.

-Visit Adirondacks

-NYT Adirondacks Travel Guide

-Fodor's Lake George and Adirondacks Guide

-Frommer's Guide to the Adirondacks

Photos courtesy